zwei Lifeline-Crewmitglieder von hinten, haben Rettungswesten an und lehnen sich an einer Säule an. Weiße Helme tragen Beschriftungen "Richard" und "Paul"



Portraitfoto von Culcha Candela

„Menschlichkeit darf nicht an den Grenzen Europas aufhören. Würde ist kein Privileg von Reichen. Respekt an Mission Lifeline, die für unsere Werte einstehen, wo Politik versagt!“
Culcha Candela

Many thanks to all individual contributors, initiatives, companies and associations that show solidarity with our work and that support us.

Thanks to all companies:


Thanks to all associations:

Furthermore we want to thank the presbytery of the „Evangelischen Stadtkirchengemeinde Remscheid“.

Please note that we must refrain from including links to our supporters as linking would represent a return services for tax puporses (Sponsoring) for which we would have to pay taxes. Companies which would like to consider a sponsoring service are invited to contact us at